Ratio of the shortest distance to the longest distance in a minimum spanning tree
Ratio of the shortest distance to the longest distance in a minimum spanning tree.
- traits
Traits matrix (traits in column)
- gower.dist
Calculate gower distance using the function gowdis from package FD.
- scale.tr
Does traits need to be scale before multi-traits metric calculation? Only use when gower.dist = FALSE. Default is yes.
- method.dist
Method to calculate the distance in case of multi-traits metric (function dist). Only use when gower.dist = FALSE. Default is euclidian.
The value of the ratio of the shortest distance to the longest distance in a minimum spanning tree.
Stubbs, WJ., and Wilson, JB. 2004. Evidence for limiting similarity in a sand dune community. Journal of Ecology 92: 557-567. Aiba, M., Katabuchi, M., Takafumi, H., Matsuzaki, S.S., Sasaki, T. & Hiura, T. 2013. Robustness of trait distribution metrics for community assembly studies under the uncertainties of assembly processes. Ecology, 94, 2873-2885.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
MinMaxMST(traits.finch[1:10,], gower.dist = FALSE)
MinMaxMST(traits.finch[1:10,], gower.dist = FALSE, scale.tr = FALSE)
} # }