Plot community assembly index
Plot community assembly index and confidence intervals using a list of index. S3 method for class listofindex.
- x
A list of index and related null models obtained from to the as.listofindex function.
- type
Type of plot. Possible type = "simple", "simple_range", "normal", "barplot" and "bytraits".
- col.index
Vector of colors for index.
- add.conf
Logical value; Add confidence intervals or not.
- color.cond
Logical value; If color.cond = TRUE, color points indicate T-statistics values significatively different from the null model and grey points are not different from null model.
- val.quant
Numeric vectors of length 2, giving the quantile to calculate confidence interval. By default val.quant = c(0.025,0.975) for a bilateral test with alpha = 5%.
- grid.v
Logical value; print vertical grid or not
- grid.h
Logical value; print horizontal grid or not
- xlim
Numeric vectors of length 2, giving the x coordinates range
- ylim
Numeric vectors of length 2, giving the y coordinates range
- cex.text
Numeric value; the magnification to be used for text relative to the current setting of cex
- plot.ask
Logical value; ask for plotting the next plot or not.
- srt.text
Degree of rotation for text.
- alpha
Degree of transparency for null models aera.
- ...
Any additional arguments are passed to the plot function creating the core of the plot and can be used to adjust the look of resulting graph.
S3 method plot for class listofindex: -Normal type plot means, standard deviations, ranges and confidence intervals of T-statistics. -Simple_range type plot means, standard deviations and range of T-statistics -Simple type plot T-statistics for each site and traits and the mean confidence intervals by traits -Barplot type plot means, standard deviations and confidence intervals of T-statistics in a barplot fashion -Bysites type plot each metrics for each sites -Bytraits type plot each metrics for each traits
res.finch <- Tstats(traits.finch, ind.plot = ind.plot.finch,
sp = sp.finch, nperm = 9, print = FALSE)
#> Warning: This function exclude 1137 Na values
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
#### Use a different regional pool than the binding of studied communities
#create a random regional pool for the example
reg.p <- rbind(traits.finch, traits.finch[sample(1:2000,300), ])
res.finch2 <- Tstats(traits.finch, ind.plot = ind.plot.finch,
sp = sp.finch, reg.pool=reg.p, nperm = 9, print = FALSE)
#### Use a different regional pool for each communities
#create a random regional pool for each communities for the example
list.reg.p <- list(
traits.finch[sample(1:290,200), ], traits.finch[sample(100:1200,300), ],
traits.finch[sample(100:1500, 1000), ], traits.finch[sample(300:800,300), ],
traits.finch[sample(1000:2000, 500), ], traits.finch[sample(100:900, 700), ] )
# Warning: the regional pool need to be larger than the observed communities
# For exemple, the third community need a regional pool of more than 981 individuals
res.finch3 <- Tstats(traits.finch, ind.plot = ind.plot.finch,
sp = sp.finch, reg.pool=list.reg.p, nperm = 9, print = FALSE)
plot(as.listofindex(list(res.finch, res.finch2, res.finch3)))
} # }