ref_fasta = NULL,
database = NULL,
blastpath = NULL,
behavior = c("return_matrix", "add_to_phyloseq"),
method_algo = c("vote", "top-hit"),
suffix = "_blastn",
min_id = 95,
min_bit_score = 50,
min_cover = 95,
min_e_value = 1e-30,
nb_voting = NULL,
column_names = c("Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus", "Species"),
vote_algorithm = c("consensus", "rel_majority", "abs_majority", "unanimity"),
strict = FALSE,
nb_agree_threshold = 1,
preference_index = NULL,
collapse_string = "/",
replace_collapsed_rank_by_NA = TRUE,
simplify_taxo = TRUE,
keep_blast_metrics = FALSE,
- physeq
(required): a
object obtained using thephyloseq
package.- ref_fasta
Either a DNAStringSet object or a path to a fasta file to make the blast database. It must be in sintax format. See
.- database
path to a blast database. Only used if ref_fasta is not set.
- blastpath
path to blast program.
- behavior
Either "return_matrix" (default), or "add_to_phyloseq":
"return_matrix" return a list of two matrix with taxonomic value in the first element of the list and bootstrap value in the second one.
"add_to_phyloseq" return a phyloseq object with amended slot
. Only available if using physeq input and not seq2search input.
- method_algo
(One of "vote" or "top-hit"). If top-hit, only the better match is used to assign taxonomy. If vote, the algorithm takes all (or
is not null) select assignation and resolve the conflict using the functionresolve_vector_ranks()
.- suffix
(character) The suffix to name the new columns. If set to "" (the default), the taxa_ranks algorithm is used without suffix.
- min_id
(default: 95) the identity percent to take into account a references taxa
- min_bit_score
(default: 50) the minimum bit score to take into account a references taxa
- min_cover
(default: 50) cut of in query cover (%) to keep result
- min_e_value
(default: 1e-30) cut of in e-value (%) to keep result The BLAST E-value is the number of expected hits of similar quality (score) that could be found just by chance.
- nb_voting
(Int, default NULL). The number of taxa to keep before apply a vote to resolve conflict. If NULL all taxa passing the filters (min_id, min_bit_score, min_cover and min_e_value) are selected.
- column_names
A vector of names for taxonomic ranks. Must correspond to names in the ref_fasta files.
- vote_algorithm
the method to vote among "consensus", "rel_majority", "abs_majority" and "unanimity". See
for more details.- strict
(Logical, default FALSE). See
for more details.- nb_agree_threshold
for more details.- preference_index
for more details.- collapse_string
for more details.- replace_collapsed_rank_by_NA
(Logical, default TRUE) See
for more details.- simplify_taxo
(logical default TRUE). Do we apply the function
to the phyloseq object?- keep_blast_metrics
(Logical, default FALSE). If TRUE, the blast metrics ("Query seq. length", "Taxa seq. length", "Alignment length", "% id. match", "e-value", "bit score" and "Query cover") are stored in the tax_table.
- ...
Additional arguments passed on to
If behavior == "return_matrix" :
If method_algo = "top-hit" a matrix of taxonomic assignation
If method_algo = "vote", a list of two matrix, the first is the raw taxonomic assignation (before vote). The second one is the taxonomic assignation in which conflicts are resolved using vote.
If behavior == "add_to_phyloseq", return a new phyloseq object
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
ref_fasta <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(system.file("extdata",
package = "MiscMetabar", mustWork = TRUE
# assign_blastn(data_fungi_mini, ref_fasta = ref_fasta) # error because not
# enough sequences in db so none blast query passed the filters.
# So we used low score filter hereafter.
mat <- assign_blastn(data_fungi_mini,
ref_fasta = ref_fasta,
method_algo = "top-hit", min_id = 70, min_e_value = 1e-3, min_cover = 50,
min_bit_score = 20
ref_fasta = ref_fasta, method_algo = "vote",
vote_algorithm = "rel_majority", min_id = 90, min_cover = 50,
behavior = "add_to_phyloseq"
ref_fasta = ref_fasta, method_algo = "vote",
vote_algorithm = "consensus", replace_collapsed_rank_by_NA = FALSE,
min_id = 90, min_cover = 50, behavior = "add_to_phyloseq"
} # }