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Re-clustering ASVs

ASV (stands for Amplicon Sequence Variant; also called ESV for Exact Amplicon Variant) is a DNA sequence obtained from high-throughput analysis of marker genes. OTU are a group of closely related individuals created by clustering sequences based on a threshold of similarity. An ASV is a special case of an OTU with a similarity threshold of 100%. A third concept is the zero-radius OTU zOTU (Edgar 2016) which is the same concept than ASV but compute with other softwares than dada (e.g. vsearch).

The choice between ASV and OTU is important because they lead to different results (Joos et al. (2020), Box 2 in Tedersoo et al. (2022), Chiarello et al. (2022)). Most articles recommend making a choice depending on the question (mclaren2018?), For example, ASV may be better than OTU for describing a group of very closely related species. In addition, ASV are comparable across different datasets (obtained using identical marker genes). On the other hand, (Tedersoo et al. 2022) report that ASV approaches overestimate the richness of common fungal species (due to haplotype variation), but underestimate the richness of rare species. They therefore recommend the use of OTUs in metabarcoding analyses of fungal communities. Finally, (Kauserud 2023) argues that the ASV term falls within the original OTU term and recommends adopting only the OTU terms, but with a concise and clear report on how the OTUs were generated.

Recent articles (Forster et al. 2019; Antich et al. 2021; Brandt et al. 2021) propose to use both approach together. They recommend (i) using ASV to denoise the dataset and (ii) for some questions, clustering the ASV sequences into OTUs. (García-García et al. 2019) used both concept to demonstrate that ecotypes (ASV within OTUs) are adapted to different values of environmental factors favoring the persistence of OTU across changing environmental conditions. This is the goal of the function asv2otu(), using either the DECIPHER::Clusterize function from R or the vsearch software.

Using decipher or Vsearch algorithm

otu <- asv2otu(data_fungi_sp_known, method = "clusterize")
#> Partitioning sequences by 5-mer similarity:
#> ================================================================================
#> Time difference of 0.17 secs
#> Sorting by relatedness within 651 groups:
#> Clustering sequences by 9-mer similarity:
#> ================================================================================
#> Time difference of 1.62 secs
#> Clusters via relatedness sorting: 100% (0% exclusively)
#> Clusters via rare 5-mers: 100% (0% exclusively)
#> Estimated clustering effectiveness: 100%
otu_vs <- asv2otu(data_fungi_sp_known, method = "vsearch")

The vsearch method requires the installation of Vsearch.


Using lulu algorithm (link to LULU article)

Another post-clustering transformation method is implemented in lulu_pq(), which uses Frøslev et al. (2017)’s method for curation of DNA amplicon data. The aim is more to clean non-biological information than to make explicitly less clusters. For examples, (Brandt et al. 2021) clustered amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with swarm and choose to curate ASVs/OTUs using LULU.

lulu_res <- lulu_pq(data_fungi_sp_known)


Tracking number of samples, sequences and clusters

  "Raw data" = data_fungi_sp_known,
  "OTU" = otu,
  "OTU_vsearch" = otu_vs,
  "LULU" = lulu_res[[1]]
#>             nb_sequences nb_clusters nb_samples
#> Raw data         1106581         651        185
#> OTU              1106581         363        185
#> OTU_vsearch      1106581         362        185
#> LULU             1106581         549        185

Session information

#> R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#> Running under: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/ 
#> LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/
#> locale:
#>  [1] LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
#>  [3] LC_TIME=fr_FR.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=fr_FR.UTF-8    
#>  [5] LC_MONETARY=fr_FR.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=fr_FR.UTF-8   
#>  [7] LC_PAPER=fr_FR.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
#>  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
#> time zone: Europe/Paris
#> tzcode source: system (glibc)
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] MiscMetabar_0.10.2 purrr_1.0.2        dplyr_1.1.4        dada2_1.32.0      
#> [5] Rcpp_1.0.13        ggplot2_3.5.1      phyloseq_1.48.0   
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#>   [1] DBI_1.2.3                   bitops_1.0-9               
#>   [3] pbapply_1.7-2               deldir_2.0-4               
#>   [5] permute_0.9-7               rlang_1.1.4                
#>   [7] magrittr_2.0.3              ade4_1.7-22                
#>   [9] matrixStats_1.4.1           compiler_4.4.1             
#>  [11] mgcv_1.9-1                  png_0.1-8                  
#>  [13] systemfonts_1.1.0           vctrs_0.6.5                
#>  [15] reshape2_1.4.4              stringr_1.5.1              
#>  [17] pwalign_1.0.0               pkgconfig_2.0.3            
#>  [19] crayon_1.5.3                fastmap_1.2.0              
#>  [21] XVector_0.44.0              labeling_0.4.3             
#>  [23] utf8_1.2.4                  Rsamtools_2.20.0           
#>  [25] rmarkdown_2.28              UCSC.utils_1.0.0           
#>  [27] ragg_1.3.3                  xfun_0.48                  
#>  [29] zlibbioc_1.50.0             cachem_1.1.0               
#>  [31] GenomeInfoDb_1.40.1         jsonlite_1.8.9             
#>  [33] biomformat_1.32.0           highr_0.11                 
#>  [35] rhdf5filters_1.16.0         DelayedArray_0.30.1        
#>  [37] Rhdf5lib_1.26.0             BiocParallel_1.38.0        
#>  [39] jpeg_0.1-10                 parallel_4.4.1             
#>  [41] cluster_2.1.6               R6_2.5.1                   
#>  [43] RColorBrewer_1.1-3          bslib_0.8.0                
#>  [45] stringi_1.8.4               GenomicRanges_1.56.1       
#>  [47] jquerylib_0.1.4             SummarizedExperiment_1.34.0
#>  [49] iterators_1.0.14            knitr_1.48                 
#>  [51] DECIPHER_3.0.0              IRanges_2.38.1             
#>  [53] Matrix_1.7-0                splines_4.4.1              
#>  [55] igraph_2.0.3                tidyselect_1.2.1           
#>  [57] rstudioapi_0.16.0           abind_1.4-8                
#>  [59] yaml_2.3.10                 vegan_2.6-8                
#>  [61] codetools_0.2-20            hwriter_1.3.2.1            
#>  [63] lattice_0.22-6              tibble_3.2.1               
#>  [65] plyr_1.8.9                  Biobase_2.64.0             
#>  [67] withr_3.0.1                 ShortRead_1.62.0           
#>  [69] evaluate_1.0.0              desc_1.4.3                 
#>  [71] survival_3.7-0              RcppParallel_5.1.9         
#>  [73] Biostrings_2.72.1           pillar_1.9.0               
#>  [75] MatrixGenerics_1.16.0       foreach_1.5.2              
#>  [77] stats4_4.4.1                generics_0.1.3             
#>  [79] S4Vectors_0.42.1            munsell_0.5.1              
#>  [81] scales_1.3.0                glue_1.8.0                 
#>  [83] tools_4.4.1                 interp_1.1-6               
#>  [85] data.table_1.16.0           GenomicAlignments_1.40.0   
#>  [87] fs_1.6.4                    rhdf5_2.48.0               
#>  [89] grid_4.4.1                  ape_5.8                    
#>  [91] latticeExtra_0.6-30         colorspace_2.1-1           
#>  [93] nlme_3.1-166                GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.12    
#>  [95] cli_3.6.3                   textshaping_0.4.0          
#>  [97] fansi_1.0.6                 S4Arrays_1.4.1             
#>  [99] gtable_0.3.5                sass_0.4.9                 
#> [101] digest_0.6.37               BiocGenerics_0.50.0        
#> [103] SparseArray_1.4.8           farver_2.1.2               
#> [105] htmlwidgets_1.6.4           htmltools_0.5.8.1          
#> [107] pkgdown_2.1.1               multtest_2.60.0            
#> [109] lifecycle_1.0.4             httr_1.4.7                 
#> [111] MASS_7.3-61


Antich, Adrià, Creu Palacin, Owen S Wangensteen, and Xavier Turon. 2021. “To Denoise or to Cluster, That Is Not the Question: Optimizing Pipelines for COI Metabarcoding and Metaphylogeography.” BMC Bioinformatics 22: 1–24.
Brandt, Miriam I., Blandine Trouche, Laure Quintric, Babett Günther, Patrick Wincker, Julie Poulain, and Sophie Arnaud-Haond. 2021. “Bioinformatic Pipelines Combining Denoising and Clustering Tools Allow for More Comprehensive Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Metabarcoding.” Molecular Ecology Resources 21 (6): 1904–21.
Chiarello, Marlène, Mark McCauley, Sébastien Villéger, and Colin R Jackson. 2022. “Ranking the Biases: The Choice of OTUs Vs. ASVs in 16S rRNA Amplicon Data Analysis Has Stronger Effects on Diversity Measures Than Rarefaction and OTU Identity Threshold.” PLoS One 17 (2): e0264443.
Edgar, Robert C. 2016. “UNOISE2: Improved Error-Correction for Illumina 16S and ITS Amplicon Sequencing.” BioRxiv, 081257.
Forster, Dominik, Guillaume Lentendu, Sabine Filker, Elyssa Dubois, Thomas A Wilding, and Thorsten Stoeck. 2019. “Improving eDNA-Based Protist Diversity Assessments Using Networks of Amplicon Sequence Variants.” Environmental Microbiology 21 (11): 4109–24.
Frøslev, Tobias Guldberg, Rasmus Kjøller, Hans Henrik Bruun, Rasmus Ejrnæs, Ane Kirstine Brunbjerg, Carlotta Pietroni, and Anders Johannes Hansen. 2017. “Algorithm for Post-Clustering Curation of DNA Amplicon Data Yields Reliable Biodiversity Estimates.” Nature Communications 8 (1): 1188.
García-García, Natalia, Javier Tamames, Alexandra M Linz, Carlos Pedrós-Alió, and Fernando Puente-Sánchez. 2019. Microdiversity ensures the maintenance of functional microbial communities under changing environmental conditions.” The ISME Journal 13 (12): 2969–83.
Joos, Lisa, Stien Beirinckx, Annelies Haegeman, Jane Debode, Bart Vandecasteele, Steve Baeyen, Sofie Goormachtig, Lieven Clement, and Caroline De Tender. 2020. “Daring to Be Differential: Metabarcoding Analysis of Soil and Plant-Related Microbial Communities Using Amplicon Sequence Variants and Operational Taxonomical Units.” BMC Genomics 21 (1): 1–17.
Kauserud, Håvard. 2023. “ITS Alchemy: On the Use of ITS as a DNA Marker in Fungal Ecology.” Fungal Ecology, 101274.
Tedersoo, Leho, Mohammad Bahram, Lucie Zinger, R Henrik Nilsson, Peter G Kennedy, Teng Yang, Sten Anslan, and Vladimir Mikryukov. 2022. “Best Practices in Metabarcoding of Fungi: From Experimental Design to Results.” Molecular Ecology 31 (10): 2769–95.