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This tutorial explore a phyloseq version of the dataset from Tengeler et al. (2020) available in the mia package.

Import dataset in phyloseq format

ten <- Tengeler2020_pq

Alpha-diversity analysis

hill_pq(ten, "patient_status", one_plot = TRUE)

res_inext <-
    datatype = "abundance",
    merge_sample_by = "patient_status_vs_cohort",
    nboot = 5

  fact = "sample_name",
  add_nb_seq = TRUE,
  by.fact = TRUE,
  step = 100
) + theme(legend.position = c(.8, .6))
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 9
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 17
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 25
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 7
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 8
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 6
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 14
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 28
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 3
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 7
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 2
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 15
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 5
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 5
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 3
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 6
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 3
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 4
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 6
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 3
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 3
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 21
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 5
#> Warning in vegan::rarefy(as.matrix(unclass(x[i, ])), n, se = TRUE): most
#> observed count data have counts 1, but smallest count is 13
#> Warning: A numeric `legend.position` argument in `theme()` was deprecated in ggplot2
#> 3.5.0.
#>  Please use the `legend.position.inside` argument of `theme()` instead.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.
#> Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_line()`).

Explore taxonomy

  node_size = n_obs,
  node_color = nb_sequences,
  node_label = taxon_names,
  tree_label = taxon_names,
  node_size_trans = "log10 area"

treemap_pq(ten, lvl1 = "Order", lvl2 = "Family")

Beta-diversity analysis : effect of patient status and cohort

circle_pq(ten, "patient_status")

upset_pq(ten, "patient_status_vs_cohort")

ggvenn_pq(clean_pq(ten, force_taxa_as_columns = TRUE),
  rarefy_before_merging = TRUE
) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

ten_control <- clean_pq(subset_samples(ten, patient_status == "Control"))
p_control <- heat_tree_pq(ten_control,
  node_size = n_obs,
  node_color = nb_sequences,
  node_label = taxon_names,
  tree_label = taxon_names,
  node_size_trans = "log10 area"

ten_ADHD <- clean_pq(subset_samples(ten, patient_status == "ADHD"))
p_ADHD <- heat_tree_pq(ten_ADHD,
  node_size = n_obs,
  node_color = nb_sequences,
  node_label = taxon_names,
  tree_label = taxon_names,
  node_size_trans = "log10 area"

p_control + ggtitle("Control") + p_ADHD + ggtitle("ADHD")

  "All samples" = ten,
  "Control samples" = ten_control,
  "ADHD samples" = ten_ADHD
nb_sequences nb_clusters nb_samples
All samples 485932 151 27
Control samples 239329 130 14
ADHD samples 246603 142 13
adonis_pq(ten, "cohort + patient_status")
#> Permutation test for adonis under reduced model
#> Terms added sequentially (first to last)
#> Permutation: free
#> Number of permutations: 999
#> vegan::adonis2(formula = .formula, data = metadata)
#>                Df SumOfSqs      R2      F Pr(>F)  
#> cohort          2   0.7922 0.11785 1.6626  0.062 .
#> patient_status  1   0.4503 0.06698 1.8898  0.051 .
#> Residual       23   5.4799 0.81517                
#> Total          26   6.7223 1.00000                
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
ten@tax_table <- phyloseq::tax_table(cbind(
  "Species" = taxa_names(ten)

biplot_pq(subset_taxa_pq(ten, taxa_sums(ten) > 3000),
  merge_sample_by = "patient_status",
  fact = "patient_status",
  nudge_y = 0.4

multitax_bar_pq(ten, "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "patient_status")

multitax_bar_pq(ten, "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "patient_status",
  nb_seq = FALSE, log10trans = FALSE

Differential abundance analysis

  contrast = c("patient_status", "ADHD", "Control"),
  taxolev = "Genus"
#> Warning in DESeqDataSet(se, design = design, ignoreRank): some variables in
#> design formula are characters, converting to factors

LEfSe <- diff_analysis(
  classgroup = "patient_status",
  mlfun = "lda",
  ldascore = 2,
  p.adjust.methods = "bh"
ggeffectsize(LEfSe) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c(
  )) +

Session information

#> R version 4.3.3 (2024-02-29)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
#> Running under: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/ 
#> LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/;  LAPACK version 3.9.0
#> locale:
#>  [1] LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
#>  [3] LC_TIME=fr_FR.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=fr_FR.UTF-8    
#>  [5] LC_MONETARY=fr_FR.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=fr_FR.UTF-8   
#>  [7] LC_PAPER=fr_FR.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
#>  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
#> time zone: Europe/Paris
#> tzcode source: system (glibc)
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
#> other attached packages:
#>  [1] metacoder_0.3.7          iNEXT_3.0.1              patchwork_1.2.0         
#>  [4] MiscMetabar_0.9.2        purrr_1.0.2              dplyr_1.1.4             
#>  [7] dada2_1.30.0             Rcpp_1.0.12              ggplot2_3.5.1           
#> [10] phyloseq_1.46.0          MicrobiotaProcess_1.14.1
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#>   [1] libcoin_1.0-10              RColorBrewer_1.1-3         
#>   [3] shape_1.4.6.1               rstudioapi_0.16.0          
#>   [5] jsonlite_1.8.8              magrittr_2.0.3             
#>   [7] TH.data_1.1-2               modeltools_0.2-23          
#>   [9] farver_2.1.2                rmarkdown_2.26             
#>  [11] GlobalOptions_0.1.2         fs_1.6.4                   
#>  [13] zlibbioc_1.48.2             ragg_1.3.1                 
#>  [15] vctrs_0.6.5                 multtest_2.58.0            
#>  [17] memoise_2.0.1               Rsamtools_2.18.0           
#>  [19] RCurl_1.98-1.14             ggtree_3.10.1              
#>  [21] htmltools_0.5.8.1           S4Arrays_1.2.1             
#>  [23] ComplexUpset_1.3.3          Rhdf5lib_1.24.2            
#>  [25] SparseArray_1.2.4           rhdf5_2.46.1               
#>  [27] gridGraphics_0.5-1          sass_0.4.9                 
#>  [29] bslib_0.7.0                 htmlwidgets_1.6.4          
#>  [31] desc_1.4.3                  plyr_1.8.9                 
#>  [33] sandwich_3.1-0              zoo_1.8-12                 
#>  [35] cachem_1.0.8                ggfittext_0.10.2           
#>  [37] GenomicAlignments_1.38.2    igraph_2.0.3               
#>  [39] lifecycle_1.0.4             iterators_1.0.14           
#>  [41] pkgconfig_2.0.3             Matrix_1.6-5               
#>  [43] R6_2.5.1                    fastmap_1.1.1              
#>  [45] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.11     MatrixGenerics_1.14.0      
#>  [47] digest_0.6.36               aplot_0.2.2                
#>  [49] colorspace_2.1-0            ggnewscale_0.4.10          
#>  [51] ShortRead_1.60.0            S4Vectors_0.40.2           
#>  [53] DESeq2_1.42.1               textshaping_0.3.7          
#>  [55] GenomicRanges_1.54.1        hwriter_1.3.2.1            
#>  [57] vegan_2.6-6.1               labeling_0.4.3             
#>  [59] fansi_1.0.6                 abind_1.4-5                
#>  [61] mgcv_1.9-1                  compiler_4.3.3             
#>  [63] withr_3.0.0                 BiocParallel_1.36.0        
#>  [65] highr_0.10                  ggsignif_0.6.4             
#>  [67] MASS_7.3-60.0.1             DelayedArray_0.28.0        
#>  [69] biomformat_1.30.0           permute_0.9-7              
#>  [71] tools_4.3.3                 ape_5.8                    
#>  [73] glue_1.7.0                  treemapify_2.5.6           
#>  [75] nlme_3.1-164                rhdf5filters_1.14.1        
#>  [77] grid_4.3.3                  cluster_2.1.6              
#>  [79] reshape2_1.4.4              ade4_1.7-22                
#>  [81] generics_0.1.3              gtable_0.3.5               
#>  [83] tidyr_1.3.1                 ggVennDiagram_1.5.2        
#>  [85] data.table_1.15.4           coin_1.4-3                 
#>  [87] utf8_1.2.4                  XVector_0.42.0             
#>  [89] BiocGenerics_0.48.1         ggrepel_0.9.5              
#>  [91] foreach_1.5.2               pillar_1.9.0               
#>  [93] stringr_1.5.1               yulab.utils_0.1.4          
#>  [95] circlize_0.4.16             splines_4.3.3              
#>  [97] treeio_1.26.0               lattice_0.22-6             
#>  [99] deldir_2.0-4                survival_3.6-4             
#> [101] tidyselect_1.2.1            locfit_1.5-9.9             
#> [103] pbapply_1.7-2               Biostrings_2.70.3          
#> [105] knitr_1.46                  gridExtra_2.3              
#> [107] IRanges_2.36.0              SummarizedExperiment_1.32.0
#> [109] ggtreeExtra_1.12.0          stats4_4.3.3               
#> [111] xfun_0.43                   Biobase_2.62.0             
#> [113] matrixStats_1.3.0           stringi_1.8.4              
#> [115] lazyeval_0.2.2              ggfun_0.1.4                
#> [117] yaml_2.3.8                  evaluate_0.23              
#> [119] codetools_0.2-19            interp_1.1-6               
#> [121] tibble_3.2.1                ggplotify_0.1.2            
#> [123] cli_3.6.3                   RcppParallel_5.1.7         
#> [125] systemfonts_1.0.6           munsell_0.5.1              
#> [127] jquerylib_0.1.4             GenomeInfoDb_1.38.8        
#> [129] png_0.1-8                   parallel_4.3.3             
#> [131] ggh4x_0.2.8                 pkgdown_2.0.9              
#> [133] latticeExtra_0.6-30         jpeg_0.1-10                
#> [135] bitops_1.0-7                ggstar_1.0.4               
#> [137] mvtnorm_1.2-4               tidytree_0.4.6             
#> [139] GA_3.2.4                    scales_1.3.0               
#> [141] crayon_1.5.3                rlang_1.1.4                
#> [143] multcomp_1.4-25


Tengeler, A.C., Dam, S.A., Wiesmann, M. et al. Gut microbiota from persons with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder affects the brain in mice. Microbiome 8, 44 (2020).