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Graphical representation of distribution of taxa across a factor.


  physeq = NULL,
  fact = NULL,
  taxa = "Order",
  nproc = 1,
  add_nb_seq = TRUE,
  rarefy = FALSE,
  min_prop_tax = 0.01,
  min_prop_mod = 0.1,
  gap_degree = NULL,
  start_degree = NULL,
  row_col = NULL,
  grid_col = NULL,
  log10trans = FALSE,



(required): a phyloseq-class object obtained using the phyloseq package.


(required) Name of the factor to cluster samples by modalities. Need to be in physeq@sam_data.


(default: 'Order') Name of the taxonomic rank of interest


(default 1) Set to number of cpus/processors to use for parallelization


(default: TRUE) Represent the number of sequences or the number of OTUs (add_nb_seq = FALSE)


(logical) Does each samples modalities need to be rarefy in order to compare them with the same amount of sequences?


(default: 0.01) The minimum proportion for taxa to be plotted


(default: 0.1) The minimum proportion for modalities to be plotted


Gap between two neighbour sectors. It can be a single value or a vector. If it is a vector, the first value corresponds to the gap after the first sector.


The starting degree from which the circle begins to draw. Note this degree is measured in the standard polar coordinate which means it is always reverse-clockwise.


Color vector for row


Grid colors which correspond to sectors. The length of the vector should be either 1 or the number of sectors. It's preferred that grid_col is a named vector of which names correspond to sectors. If it is not a named vector, the order of grid_col corresponds to order of sectors.


(logical) Should sequence be log10 transformed (more precisely by log10(1+x))?


Additional arguments passed on to chordDiagram or circos.par


A chordDiagram plot representing the distribution of OTUs or sequences in the different modalities of the factor fact


Adrien Taudière


# \donttest{
if (requireNamespace("pbapply")) {
  data("GlobalPatterns", package = "phyloseq")
  GP <- subset_taxa(GlobalPatterns, GlobalPatterns@tax_table[, 1] == "Archaea")
  circle_pq(GP, "SampleType")
  circle_pq(GP, "SampleType", add_nb_seq = FALSE)
  circle_pq(GP, "SampleType", taxa = "Class")
#> Loading required namespace: pbapply
#> Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'phyloseq'
#> Also defined by ‘RNeXML’
#> Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'phyloseq'
#> Also defined by ‘RNeXML’
#> Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'phyloseq'
#> Also defined by ‘RNeXML’
#> Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'phyloseq'
#> Also defined by ‘RNeXML’
#> Only 4 modalities are plot (44.44%). Use 'min_prop_mod' to plot more samples.
#> Only 5 taxa are plot (45.45%). Use 'min_prop_tax' to plot more taxa

#> Only 4 modalities are plot (44.44%). Use 'min_prop_mod' to plot more samples.
#> Only 9 taxa are plot (81.82%). Use 'min_prop_tax' to plot more taxa

#> Only 4 modalities are plot (44.44%). Use 'min_prop_mod' to plot more samples.
#> Only 4 taxa are plot (44.44%). Use 'min_prop_tax' to plot more taxa

# }