Blast some sequence against refseq
slot of a phyloseq-class
Source: R/blast.R
blastpath = NULL,
id_cut = 90,
bit_score_cut = 50,
min_cover_cut = 50,
e_value_cut = 1e-30,
unique_per_seq = FALSE,
score_filter = TRUE,
list_no_output_query = FALSE,
args_makedb = NULL,
args_blastn = NULL,
nproc = 1,
keep_temporary_files = FALSE
- physeq
(required): a
object obtained using thephyloseq
package.- seq2search
(required) path to a fasta file defining the sequences you want to blast against the taxa (ASV, OTU) sequences from the physeq object.
- blastpath
path to blast program
- id_cut
(default: 90) cut of in identity percent to keep result
- bit_score_cut
(default: 50) cut of in bit score to keep result The higher the bit-score, the better the sequence similarity. The bit-score is the requires size of a sequence database in which the current match could be found just by chance. The bit-score is a log2 scaled and normalized raw-score. Each increase by one doubles the required database size (2bit-score).
- min_cover_cut
(default: 50) cut of in query cover (%) to keep result
- e_value_cut
(default: 1e-30) cut of in e-value (%) to keep result The BLAST E-value is the number of expected hits of similar quality (score) that could be found just by chance.
- unique_per_seq
(logical, default FALSE) if TRUE only return the better match (higher bit score) for each sequence
- score_filter
(logical, default TRUE) does results are filter by score? If FALSE,
are ignored- list_no_output_query
(logical) does the result table include query sequences for which
does not find any correspondence?- args_makedb
Additional arguments passed on to makeblastdb command
- args_blastn
Additional arguments passed on to blastn command
- nproc
(default: 1) Set to number of cpus/processors to use for blast (args -num_threads for blastn command)
- keep_temporary_files
(logical, default: FALSE) Do we keep temporary files
db.fasta (refseq transformed into a database)
dbase list of files (output of blastn)
blast_result.txt the summary result of blastn using
-outfmt "6 qseqid qlen sseqid slen length pident evalue bitscore qcovs"
See also
to use refseq
slot as query sequences
against un custom database.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
blastpath <- "...YOUR_PATH_TO_BLAST..."
seq2search = system.file("extdata", "ex.fasta",
package = "MiscMetabar", mustWork = TRUE
blastpath = blastpath
} # }