Use grep to count the number of line with only one '+' (fastq, fastq.gz) or lines starting with a '>' (fasta) to count sequences.
count_seq(file_path = system.file(
package = "MiscMetabar",
mustWork = TRUE
#> [1] 3
folder_path = system.file("extdata", package = "MiscMetabar"),
pattern = "*.fasta"
#> Warning: There is more than one '.' inside your file path: /tmp/Rtmp9oLEit/temp_libpath2cf430c903e9/MiscMetabar/extdata/mini_UNITE_fungi.fasta.gz
#> Warning: There is more than one '.' inside your file path: /tmp/Rtmp9oLEit/temp_libpath2cf430c903e9/MiscMetabar/extdata/mini_UNITE_fungi.fasta.gz
#> [1] 100 100 100 3 63 51 2 5000