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Focus on one taxon and one factor.


distri_1_taxa(physeq, fact, taxa_name, digits = 2)



(required): a phyloseq-class object obtained using the phyloseq package.


(required) Name of the factor in physeq@sam_data used to plot different lines


(required): the name of the taxa


(default = 2) integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used (see ?round for more information)


a dataframe with levels as rows and information as column :

  • the number of sequences of the taxa (nb_seq)

  • the number of samples of the taxa (nb_samp)

  • the mean (mean_nb_seq) and standard deviation (sd_nb_seq) of the nb_seq

  • the mean (mean_nb_seq_when_present) nb_seq excluding samples with zero

  • the total number of samples (nb_total_samp)

  • the proportion of samples with the taxa


Adrien Taudière


distri_1_taxa(data_fungi, "Height", "ASV2")
#> Taxa are now in rows.
#>        nb_seq nb_samp mean_nb_seq sd_nb_seq mean_nb_seq_when_present
#> High    26876      28      655.51   2623.30                   959.86
#> Low     60925      29     1353.89   5075.12                  2100.86
#> Middle   4444      33       98.76    453.06                   134.67
#>        nb_total_samp prop_samp
#> High              41      0.68
#> Low               45      0.64
#> Middle            45      0.73
distri_1_taxa(data_fungi, "Time", "ASV81", digits = 1)
#> Taxa are now in rows.
#>    nb_seq nb_samp mean_nb_seq sd_nb_seq mean_nb_seq_when_present nb_total_samp
#> 0    7387       5       110.3     896.8                   1477.4            67
#> 5      24       5         0.6       1.9                      4.8            38
#> 10     10       3         0.5       1.4                      3.3            21
#> 15      0       0         0.0       0.0                      NaN            36
#>    prop_samp
#> 0        0.1
#> 5        0.1
#> 10       0.1
#> 15       0.0