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Basically a wrapper of vegan::renyi() and vegan::renyiaccum() functions


  merge_sample_by = NULL,
  color_fac = NULL,
  hill_scales = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, Inf),
  nperm = NULL,
  na_remove = TRUE,
  wrap_factor = TRUE,
  plot_legend = TRUE,
  linewidth = 2,
  size_point = 2,



(required): a phyloseq-class object obtained using the phyloseq package.


a vector to determine which samples to merge using the merge_samples2() function. Need to be in physeq@sam_data


(optional): The variable to color the barplot. For ex. same as fact. If merge_sample_by is set, color_fac must be nested in the merge_sample_by factor. See examples.


Scales of Rényi diversity.


(int Default NULL) If a integer is set to nperm, nperm permutation are computed to draw confidence interval for each curves. The function use vegan::renyi() if nperm is NULL and vegan::renyiaccum() else.


(logical, default FALSE) If set to TRUE, remove samples with NA in the variables set in merge_sample_by. Not used if merge_sample_by is NULL.


(logical, default TRUE) Do the plot is wrap by the factor


(logical, default TRUE) If set to FALSE, no legend are plotted.


(int, default 2) The linewidth of lines.


(int, default 1) The size of the point.


Additional arguments passed on to vegan::renyi() function or vegan::renyiaccum() if nperm is not NULL.


A ggplot2 object


This function is mainly a wrapper of the work of others. Please make a reference to vegan::renyi() or vegan::renyiaccum() functions


Adrien Taudière


if (requireNamespace("vegan")) {
  hill_curves_pq(data_fungi_mini, merge_sample_by = "Time")
  hill_curves_pq(data_fungi_mini, color_fac = "Time", plot_legend = FALSE)
    color_fac = "Time", plot_legend = FALSE,
    nperm = 9, size_point = 1, linewidth = 0.5

    nperm = 9, plot_legend = FALSE, size_point = 1,
    linewidth = 0.5
  hill_curves_pq(data_fungi_mini, "Height",
    hill_scales = c(0, 1, 2, 8), plot_legend = FALSE
  hill_curves_pq(data_fungi_mini, "Height",
    hill_scales = c(0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8),
    nperm = 9
  hill_curves_pq(data_fungi_mini, "Height", nperm = 9, wrap_factor = FALSE)

  data_fungi_mini@sam_data$H_T <- paste0(
    "_", data_fungi_mini@sam_data$Time
  merge_samples2(data_fungi_mini, "H_T")
  hill_curves_pq(data_fungi_mini, "H_T", color_fac = "Time", nperm = 9)
#> 17 were discarded due to NA in variables present in formula.
#> At least one sample name start with a zero.
#>     That can be a problem for some phyloseq functions such as
#>     plot_bar and psmelt.
#> Cleaning suppress 0 taxa and 0 samples.
#> Cleaning suppress 0 taxa and 0 samples.
#> Cleaning suppress 0 taxa and 0 samples.
#> Cleaning suppress 0 taxa and 0 samples.
#> 47 were discarded due to NA in variables present in formula.
#> Cleaning suppress 0 taxa and 0 samples.
#> 47 were discarded due to NA in variables present in formula.
#> Cleaning suppress 0 taxa and 0 samples.
#> 'nperm' >= set of all permutations: complete enumeration.
#> Set of permutations < 'minperm'. Generating entire set.
#> 47 were discarded due to NA in variables present in formula.
#> Cleaning suppress 0 taxa and 0 samples.
#> 'nperm' >= set of all permutations: complete enumeration.
#> Set of permutations < 'minperm'. Generating entire set.
#> Cleaning suppress 0 taxa and 0 samples.