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The original function and documentation was written by Brendan Furneaux in the FUNGuildR package.

These functions have identical behavior if supplied with a database; however they download the database corresponding to their name by default.

Taxa present in the database are matched to the taxa present in the supplied otu_table by exact name. In the case of multiple matches, the lowest (most specific) rank is chosen. No attempt is made to check or correct the classification in otu_table$Taxonomy.


  db_url = NULL,
  db_funguild = NULL,
  tax_col = "Taxonomy"



A data.frame with a character column named "Taxonomy" (or another name as specified in tax_col), as well as any other columns. Each entry in "otu_table$Taxonomy" should be a comma-, colon-, underscore-, or semicolon-delimited classification of an organism. Rank indicators as given by Sintax ("k:", "p:"...) or Unite ("k__, "p__", ...) are also allowed. A character vector, representing only the taxonomic classification, is also accepted.


a length 1 character string giving the URL to retrieve the database from


A data.frame representing the FUNGuild as returned by get_funguild_db() If not supplied, the default database will be downloaded.


A character string, optionally giving an alternate column name in otu_table to use instead of otu_table$Taxonomy.


A tibble::tibble containing all columns of otu_table, plus relevant columns of information from the FUNGuild


Nguyen NH, Song Z, Bates ST, Branco S, Tedersoo L, Menke J, Schilling JS, Kennedy PG. 2016. FUNGuild: An open annotation tool for parsing fungal community datasets by ecological guild. Fungal Ecology 20:241-248.


Brendan Furneaux (orcid: 0000-0003-3522-7363), modified by Adrien Taudière